Automated Reporting and Communication + CRM: How Advisors Use Blueleaf + Wealthbox to Retain Clients

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Watch this live webinar to see how the Wealthbox + Blueleaf integration helps advisors use automated communication and reporting tools to drive customer retention within their firm. This webinar will cover:

  1. How Blueleaf’s wealth management platform helps advisors simplify their practice through automation.
  2. How Wealthbox’s “social CRM” product design allows advisors to collaborate as a team and manage client relationships like never before.
  3. How the integration between Blueleaf and Wealthbox works in the interplay of automated communications/reporting and CRM.
  4. The benefits of the Blueleaf and Wealthbox integration, and how to get started with ease.


Chris Kopanski

Sr. Product Specialist


Rebecca MacKenzie

VP of Product


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