Integrations /AI Assistants

Get started with Wealthbox + Jump

Modern CRM integrated with automated meeting management to elevate advisor efficiency


Jump, the Advisor AI Assistant, streamlines meeting administration for RIA and BD teams, allowing firms to run more efficiently. Jump enhances client and advisor experiences by automating meeting notes, tasks, and compliance logs that can be synced with Wealthbox. With the Jump integration, advisors can populate pre-meeting notes based on Contact Record data, and use post-meeting data to create notes, generate tasks, or start Workflows in Wealthbox from within the Jump platform.

“For our team, the value of the integration between Wealthbox and Jump is the time savings. What used to be 30-40 minutes of typing meeting notes, organizing tasks, and CRM updates, can now be done in 3-4 minutes.”

Jack Csenge

Wealth Advisor, Csenge Advisory Group

Get started with Wealthbox + Jump

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