Streamlining Advisor Transitions for Success with Wealthbox + Docupace

Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET

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Advisor transitions necessitate careful planning and execution to ensure minimal disruption and maintain client trust. From preserving client relationships to upholding regulatory compliance, advisor transitions require meticulous attention to detail. 

Join Docupace and Wealthbox as we discuss the best practices for making advisor transitions smoother and more manageable.

This webinar will cover:

  1. The significance of advisor transitions and their impact on advisory firms.
  2. The best practices for ensuring a smooth and successful advisor transition process.
  3. The importance of maintaining clean CRM data and fostering a collaborative environment to facilitate seamless advisor transitions.
  4. The role of document management software during advisor transitions and how it streamlines the transition process.


Richard Thoeny

Executive VP of Product Strategy


Chris Kopanski

Sr. Product Specialist


“The Wealthbox integration with Docupace streamlines the account opening process and improves back-office operations to help advisors become efficient and grow their business.”

Jomin Bishop

VP of Sales at Wealthbox