Put a pin in it!
Today we’re happy to introduce a new enhancement that allows users to pin posts.
Just like when someone says “put a pin in it!” to hold onto an idea and come back to it later, Wealthbox users can now do the same thing by pinning important CRM updates at the top of the activity stream for a contact, opportunity, or project to remember later on. Let’s take a look…

When you pin an item to a contact, it stays at the top of the stream. Whenever someone visits that contact record page, they can see any items you’ve pinned that are visible to them. That way, you can bubble up important information or updates for your colleagues when collaborating.
Pins aren’t limited to just notes either. You can pin any kind of stream item from events to tasks, opportunities, workflows, and more. Can’t decide which item you want pinned? No problem! You can pin as many items as you want.

Other small improvements
Keen observers might have noticed a UI improvement for searching and filtering stream items — as you might have guessed, searching the stream includes pinned stream items as well.