Workflow Templates out of the box!
We often hear that advisors love building Workflow Templates in Wealthbox, but sometimes need inspiration on what templates to build for their firms. Today, we’re excited to share the release of the Wealthbox Library for Workflows, now available in all workspaces for all users.
The Wealthbox Library is a collection of 10 pre-built Workflow Templates. These editable templates represent common processes that we see among advisory firms, including lead-generation, onboarding a new client, executing a trade request, and responding to a client’s life event.

To see these templates, just click Manage Templates from the main Workflows page, and select “Wealthbox Library” on the dropdown menu.

Customizable Workflow Templates
We know that every advisory firm is unique, and these templates are meant to serve as a starting point to establish your firm’s workflows. To customize a Wealthbox Workflow Library template, simply click Duplicate, and make as many edits as you’d like. When you publish and save the edited template, it will appear in your list of published Workflow Templates.

“There are so many repetitive processes in an advisor’s day,” said Meghan Silva, Marketing Manager at Wealthbox. “Wealthbox makes these routines quicker and easier to execute. We’re excited to offer these Workflow Libraries as a means of simplifying the administrative work, so time can be spent where it matters most – with clients.”
But wait, there’s more…
Several Wealthbox partners also provide access to workflow libraries upon request, including Trust & Will, A/B Touchpoints with Jay Coulter, and AdvisorTouch.

For more information, check out this video “How to Use the Wealthbox Library of Workflows” from our How-To video series.
Stay tuned for even more good news about Workflows in Wealthbox later this week!