Blog/ Product & Company

Introducing Workflow Milestones

October 6, 2021

Advisors: you requested it – and we listened. Today we’re happy to release a super powerful enhancement to workflows called “milestones.” If you’ve ever wanted to make workflow steps due before or after a certain date, this new functionality is for you.

How it works

With workflow milestones, you can use Wealthbox’s new flexible due date logic to make your workflow steps due based on either the workflow start date, the date the previous step was completed (for sequential workflows), or any workflow milestones you create.

Let’s say you need to onboard a new client soon and you want to start a workflow that has steps due before and after the onboarding date. Simply open the step in your workflow template you want to base on the onboarding date, and create a new milestone for “Onboarding”.

When you start your workflow with the onboarding milestone, you’ll set the onboarding date. Once started, all steps based on that date will automatically be due based on the onboarding date you set.

If a milestone date changes, that workflow’s steps will follow the milestone’s date — so you don’t have to go in and change each step’s due date individually. Update the milestone, and the workflow steps will update too. Voila!

Flexibility across milestones

Milestones are shared across steps within a workflow template, so you can select the same milestone for multiple steps, and they’ll all use the same date.

Want to create multiple milestones for a workflow? Go ahead — you can create as many as you want. Workflow milestones are available for all Wealthbox users on Pro and Premier plans.

Product design considerations in milestones

At Wealthbox, we work hard to design CRM software that’s simple, powerful, beautiful, and relevant to the advisor.

For instance, leading up to this workflow milestones upgrade, we sought to understand the pain points advisors encounter when managing their firm’s processes. We discovered that flexibility is the key capability missing from competitive workflow tools — and that basing due dates before and after milestones in a workflow, along with a workflow’s start date and other steps’ completion dates, would provide greater capabilities to advisors than what’s available from our competitors.

But wait, there’s more…

We’re constantly improving workflows — indeed, more enhancements are coming later this year.  For instance, you’ll soon be able to pre-populate a milestone using an upcoming date, such as from a related meeting or custom date field. Fewer clicks, less time, more functionality. Automate your work, enjoy your life!

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