Today we’re happy to announce a new partnership with Knudge, a software solution for advisors that provides a shared to-do list with their clients and the ability to easily see what’s getting done and, for the advisor, which clients need additional follow-up action items.
(Advisors: Watch the Wealthbox + Knudge webinar to learn more about this new integration.)

“We’ve had a great experience working with Wealthbox to build out this integration” says Shaun Erickson, CFP® and Co-Founder of Knudge. He added, “Advisors on the Wealthbox platform can seamlessly connect their CRM to the Knudge app where they can create a list of tasks for their clients to take action. Knudge helps advisors stay organized and helps clients stay on top of their financial life calendar – all with minimal time and effort. We can do the best planning in the world but if we can’t get our clients to take action, then what’s it all worth?”
With this integration Wealthbox advisors can easily import their contacts into Knudge to avoid duplicate data entry. Contacts will stay linked and Knudge will push back notes to contact records when new nudges are posted or marked complete.

“Knudge’s unique and innovative approach to helping advisors follow up with clients by reminding them to follow through on tasks related to their financial planning goals is a fantastic fit in integrating with Wealthbox CRM for our mutual customers,” said Ernie Lacroix, Director of Partnerships. “We’re delighted to have Knudge join the ever-expanding Wealthbox community of leading wealth-tech vendors to help advisors help their clients.”
Watch the Webinar

Learn why the integration between Knudge and Wealthbox helps advisors manage their clients’ action items. Watch the on-demand video.