The XY Planning Network, cofounded by Michael Kitces and Alan Moore, is a fee-only organization of financial advisors who specialize in working with Gen X and Gen X clients. They’re growing by leaps and bounds. The team here at Starburst Labs has a front row seat at watching this growth because our flagship product, Wealthbox CRM, is a CRM technology partner to the XY Planning platform. As an advisor, when you sign up to XYPN, you get a Wealthbox account included with their offerings.

Cofounders of Starburst Labs and makers of Wealthbox, John Rourke and Dan Ferranti, were asked by XYPN Radio’s Alan Moore to do a podcast about our previous CRM ventures that up to the creation of Wealthbox CRM. We chat about this and also delve into Starburst Labs’ other, complementary online products launching this year, including Wealthbase and InvestorSay.
As we touch upon in this podcast interview, to better understand the vision and business of Starburst Labs, we borrow and combine tech industry metaphors of a “tech stack and “conversion funnel” amid user personas in our target market spectrum and apply them to our products that cross-promote and integrate. …Wait, what? Listen in and learn more!

Stay tuned next week for the release of “Wealthbox version 2.0” that features our open API for tech partners to integrate with Wealthbox CRM. We’ll also have some other goodies.